Why is it painful to press the root of the tail

The end of the tailbone has painful pressure symptoms, the common causes are the following: 1, prolonged sitting, resulting in the end of the tailbone and the back of the chair for a long time and friction, impact and the corresponding increase in load, resulting in external local injury and strain, will produce the corresponding pressure pain. 2, can be seen in patients with a history of bruxism injury, when the end of the tailbone is damaged by bruxism, there will be local pressure pain. The pain can be caused by localized pressure when the end of the tailbone is damaged by bursitis or fasciitis at the end of the tailbone due to cold, strain, injury, long-term sitting, etc., which can lead to increased inflammatory stimulation and pain when pressure is applied. The pain is often accompanied by local swelling, deformation and pain at night.

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