What causes diarrhea in the morning?

day morning stomach pain, diarrhea, there may be several reasons: First, it may be caused by cold, it is recommended that patients usually pay more attention to warmth, drink more hot water, hot water bags on the abdomen and the soles of the feet, so that the body is heated to relieve symptoms; Second, the possibility of enteritis is greater, usually due to a large number of alcohol or irregular diet, unhygienic, treatment requires adjustment of intestinal flora taking anti-inflammatory drugs, common anti-inflammatory The drugs are oxyfloxacin tablets, ciprofloxacin hydrochloride tablets, etc., according to the patient’s situation symptomatic treatment; three, gastrointestinal dysfunction, indigestion can also lead to such symptoms, it is recommended that patients usually eat regularly, light diet, do not eat spicy, irritating food, commonly used oral drugs such as omeprazole enteric dissolved capsules. Digestive tract problems need to be adjusted slowly, patients should pay attention to dietary habits and habits of life, early to bed and early to rise, three regular meals, diligent exercise, improve the body’s exercise and body immunity.

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