Dietary treatment of worm eggs or pregnancy nodules found in the stool

The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of eggs or gestational nodules in the stool of a patient with cestode disease. Hymenolepiasis nana is a disease caused by the parasitism of tiny hymenolepis nana (short hymenolepis) in the human intestine. The main clinical symptoms include nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and insomnia. Humans and rodents are the source of infection. The worm has a global distribution and is found in most areas of China, with a high rate of infection in children. The prognosis of the disease is good. The dietary treatment for finding eggs or gestational nodules in feces: pumpkin seeds: pumpkin seeds have a good killing effect on various parasites, and also on tapeworms. 200 grams of fresh pumpkin seeds are steamed and shelled, and the pumpkin seeds are finely ground and taken with a tablespoon of boiling water each time. Just get up in the morning and take it once, take it for a week. Betel nut tablets: betel nut belongs to the Chinese medicine commonly used to kill worms, for tapeworm can kill and drive out the worms. Take 80 grams of betel nut tablets and boil them in 500 ML of water for an hour, then take the decocted water after consuming pumpkin seeds for two hours. Once a day, take it for a week. Ume plum: Chinese medicine believes that sour and astringent astringent, while Ume plum has the effect of killing worms, can make the worm body shrink and discharged with the stool. Take 5 pieces of black plum and break it up and take it with boiling water. Generally take it for a week. Eat more food containing plant fiber, food containing high fiber are cereals, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits, such as celery, leeks, spinach, bananas, peaches, strawberries, etc. Eat some sour foods such as umeboshi, hawthorn, vinegar, etc., which can increase the effect for deworming. Eat less fatty foods, because most of the deworming drugs are fat-soluble drugs; eat less easy to “produce gas” food, such as radish, sweet potatoes, beans, etc.

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