What are the benefits of bull testicles for men?

Bull testicles are food and do not possess any efficacy, and for men, they can only supplement the nutrients they contain to provide energy and maintain physiological functions. Bull testicles are an external genital organ of the bull, which is a food and does not have any efficacy. However, from a nutritional point of view, bull testicles have a certain nutritional value, which contains 71.8% water, 27.2% protein, 0.9% fat, 32mg of sodium, 10mg of calcium and other ingredients, about 100g of bull testicles contain 496KJ of energy. Therefore, for men, moderate consumption of bull testicles can supplement the nutrients contained in the human body, provide energy, maintain the normal physiological efficacy of the body, and have certain benefits for health. In summary, men can usually eat bull testicles in moderation. However, the ingredients contained in food are limited and cannot replace medication, therefore, if you are not feeling well, you should go to the hospital and cooperate with the doctor for treatment.

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