What can I take to lower high serum cystatin C?

What can be taken to lower high serum cystatin C depends mainly on the cause of its elevation. Depending on the cause, appropriate treatment can be used such as avoiding low blood pressure, replenishing the effective circulating blood volume, and applying medications such as lithotripsy granules, captopril, prednisone, and urotoxin granules. Elevated serum cystatin C usually indicates impaired renal function. In case of acute renal impairment, the common causes are diarrhea and urinary stones, etc., the renal function may return to normal and the serum cystatin C may decrease after the reversible factors are corrected with the treatment of rehydration, oral lithotripsy granules or surgery. In case of chronic renal insufficiency, ACEI or ARB drugs such as captopril and irbesartan may be used. If the patient has no obvious contraindications, glucocorticoids and cytotoxic drugs such as prednisone and cyclophosphamide can also be applied. It can also be orally taken to slow down the progression of renal function, and serum cystatin C may decrease, such as urethane granules, haikun renal xi capsule, renal failure capsule, medicinal charcoal tablets, and so on. Dietary advice for patients with impaired renal function suggests recommending a low-salt, low-fat, high-quality low-protein diet. Try to avoid too salty food such as salted vegetables, greasy food such as fried, etc. Animal protein such as lean meat can be consumed in moderation. If the patient found that the serum cystatin C is high, it is recommended to go to the regular hospital in a timely manner, improve the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, and then give targeted treatment or treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

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