What does high hcg mean during menopause

High HCG in menopause should be alerted to whether it is caused by pregnancy, endocrine-related diseases and related tumors. 1. Pregnancy: Although the ovarian function gradually declines during menopause and the ability to give birth will also gradually decline, but before menopause, there is still the possibility of conception, so if HCG is elevated, then it is recommended to check if you are pregnant. 2. Endocrine tumors or diseases: endocrine hormone disorders or tumors can also lead to HCG indirectly elevated, the more common ones are pituitary diseases, hyperthyroidism, choriocarcinoma, etc. If you find HCG elevated during menopause, it is recommended to check for pregnancy. If HCG is found to be elevated during menopause, it is recommended to carry out standardized examination in time to clarify whether you are pregnant or not and exclude malignant diseases.

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