What are the items in a full body checkup for women

There are many items in women’s general physical examination, including blood test, electrocardiogram, ultrasound, CT, gynecological examination and other tests. 1. Blood test: There are many blood tests, including routine blood test, blood biochemistry test, 6 tests of estrogen level in women, thyroid hormone level test, etc. 2. Electrocardiography: Electrocardiography can initially assess whether the patient has abnormal arrhythmia, insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle and other problems. 3. Ultrasound examination: ultrasound examination, including color ultrasound of female pelvis, kidney, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidney, ureter, bladder and so on. 4. CT examination: CT examination can be selectively performed for chest CT examination and cranial area, etc. Chest CT examination is performed to initially determine whether there is any lesion in the lungs. 5. Gynecological examination: gynecological examination is needed, such as colposcopy, female cervical liquid-based cytology test, human papillomavirus, and examination of leukorrhea. If you have any symptoms of physical discomfort, you should go to the hospital in time and consult your physician for guidance.

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