Does it hurt more to induce labor than to start naturally?

Hypnobirthing is not necessarily more painful than natural initiation; the exact level of pain varies from person to person. Hypnobirthing is a drug used to promote uterine contractions and speed up the labor process, and the injection itself is not painful. Hypnobirthing is a way of delivering the fetus with the help of external forces, which mainly involves the use of some oxytocin to help with the secretion. Oxytocin can be used to induce labor aura and speed up the labor process. However, uterine contractions can occur after the use of the drug, causing abdominal pain. Oxytocin mainly refers to external forces, while natural initiation is autonomous labor. Labor pains are more intense when a woman starts labor naturally, but it is difficult to give an accurate answer because everyone has a different sensitivity to pain. Some women’s pain after natural initiation is not particularly noticeable, and some women’s pain is very much so. So it is not necessarily true that hypnobirthing is more painful than natural initiation. In addition, the pain of hypnobirthing and natural initiation is generally within the tolerable range, and there is no need to be overly nervous. When using hypnobirthing medication, it is important to use the correct dosage under a doctor’s supervision.

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