Which are the three most sacred medicines in gynecology?

Chinese medicine common gynecological drugs are angelica, Wu Ji Bai Feng Pills, motherwort, etc., but gynecological three holy medicine this statement is not scientific. 1. Angelica sinensis: for the umbelliferae plant Angelica sinensis dry root, taste sweet, pungent, warm, with blood, blood, menstrual pain, laxative effect, commonly used in blood atrophy, dizziness palpitations, menstrual disorders, menstrual dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, cold abdominal pain, bruises, carbuncle (is a poisonous sores, occurring in the body surface, the limbs, the internal organs of the acute suppurative diseases) sores, intestinal dryness, constipation and other diseases. Dampness obstruction in fullness and loose stools should be taken with caution. 2. Wuji Baifeng Pills: gynecological medicine, containing Wuji (hair and claw intestines), antler gelatin, turtle shells (system) and other traditional Chinese medicines, with the effect of tonifying qi and nourishing blood, regulating menstruation and stopping leucorrhoea (regulating menstruation and reducing abnormally increased leucorrhoea), which can be used to improve or treat the deficiency of qi and blood, weakness, soreness of the waist and knees, irregular menstruation, and leucorrhoeal disorders. Allergic to this product is prohibited, allergic persons should be cautious, and cold and fever patients should not take. 3. Motherwort: fresh or dried above ground parts of the labiatae plant motherwort, blood circulation and menstruation, diuretic swelling, clearing away heat and detoxification effect, if there is menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, not enough discharge, edema, urinary, sores and toxins, etc., can be used to treat or improve motherwort. As motherwort has the effect of promoting blood circulation, in order to avoid miscarriage, pregnant women should use it with caution. It should be noted that the above drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor or pharmacist. In addition, due to the gynecological drugs commonly used more, specific use of which need to be judged by the doctor in conjunction with the condition, do not use their own indiscriminate use of drugs.

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