What Causes Nose Peeling

Nose peeling may be caused by physiological factors such as environmental dryness, or considered to be caused by contact dermatitis, dry eczema and other diseases. 1. Physiological factors: If the environment is dry, excessive cleaning of the face, may lead to facial dryness, the emergence of flaky nose. If not accompanied by physical symptoms, are normal, do not need to worry too much. 2. Contact dermatitis: it is mainly due to skin contact with exogenous substances, patients can appear skin erythema, papules, scabs, flaking and other symptoms, some patients manifested as nasal flap. 3. Dry eczema: its causes include reduced cortical secretion, cleaning too often. Symptoms are dry skin, fine cracks, scales, itching, etc. Patients may experience flakiness on the nose. There are many causes of nasal flakiness, and it is recommended that patients consult a doctor in a timely manner to identify the cause of the disease and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment.

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