What is the success rate of female artificial insemination

The success rate of female artificial insemination is often less than 20%. The success rate is related to sperm quality, ovulation function and menstrual pattern. 1. Sperm quality: Sperm quality greatly affects the success rate of artificial insemination and reproduction techniques. Men with good sperm count and vitality but who are unable to give birth by normal means usually have a relatively high success rate of fertilization. 2. Ovulation function: the ovulation function of women also has a great influence on the success rate of artificial insemination reproduction technology, usually women’s ovarian function declines with age, so the success rate of artificial insemination is high for women of age. 3. Regular menstruation: the more regular a woman’s menstrual cycle is, the higher the success rate of artificial insemination and reproduction technology, the more regular the cycle is, the more accurately it can determine the time of ovulation and increase the success rate. Artificial insemination of the female partner’s physical requirements are relatively high, must be free of infectious diseases, can not smoke and drink, and the fallopian tube is open, no inflammation of the reproductive tract.

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