Can children drink ginseng soup if they have a cough?

Children who have a cough that is associated with a deficiency of yin and a deficiency of qi can drink tai ginseng soup under the guidance of a doctor. After coughing with yin deficiency, children will have dry cough without phlegm, little and sticky phlegm, phlegm not easy to cough up, dry throat and thirst, itchy throat, hot hands and feet, etc. At this time, it is necessary to nourish yin and moisten the lungs (replenish yin to nourish the lungs). Prince ginseng can strengthen the spleen and replenish qi (enhance the function of the spleen and replenish the spleen qi), moisturize the lungs and promote the production of body fluid, which is helpful for dry mouth, dry throat and coughing with deficiency of the lungs, spleen and qi coupled with deficiency of yin. The adverse reactions and contraindications of this product are not exact. It should not be used by those who are suffering from surface solidity and evil. Although Prince Ginseng Soup is helpful for this kind of cough, the therapeutic effect is limited and it is generally difficult to cure, it is recommended to consult the doctor in time to clarify the cause of the disease and standardize the treatment.

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