What happened to the breast nodule that got bigger after the third vaccination?

The third vaccination is usually the third dose of the new crown vaccine, which does not cause breast nodules to become enlarged.

Enlarged breast nodules may be caused by hormonal disorders and malignant transformation of breast nodules. When a patient takes too much estrogen, it may lead to hormone level disorders in the body, which may stimulate the growth of breast nodules.

At the same time, the higher the grading, the higher the risk of malignant transformation of breast nodules may occur, and the nodules may grow rapidly in a short period of time, thus appearing to become larger.

Side effects of the New Crown vaccine may include pain at the vaccination site, mild itching, and colds, and will not result in enlarged breast nodules.

When a patient develops enlarged breast nodules, he/she should go to the hospital in time to have the cause of the disease clarified and treated under the diagnosis of a specialized doctor.

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