Why Children Shouldn’t Eat Cordyceps Flower

Cordyceps flower food, there is no literature that children can not eat, children’s bodies are still developing, need a balanced diet, not suitable for long-term partiality Cordyceps flower. Cordyceps flower is a more commonly used edible and medicinal fungi, Cordyceps flower is rich in amino acids, proteins and SOD, mannitol, cordycepin, polysaccharides and other components. Each 100 grams of Cordyceps flowers (dry) contains 292 calories, including 61.6 grams of carbohydrates, 4.7 grams of fat, 20.9 grams of protein, 197 milligrams of calcium and 66.5 milligrams of calcium. Children can’t eat cordyceps flowers is a rumor, generally children can eat cordyceps flowers, but it should be noted that children’s bodies are in the stage of development, should not be long-term partial food cordyceps flowers, pay attention to a balanced diet. Children need to eat a balanced diet, not partial to a certain food, pay attention to not gullible rumors, if necessary, can be guided by a doctor to eat a healthy diet.

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