Is it good to drink 999 cold granules for cold

It is better to take 999 cold and flu granules when you have a cold, because this drug can relieve the headache, fever, nasal congestion, sneezing and a series of other symptoms caused by a cold, and it is suitable for patients with a cold, and it can also be taken under the guidance of a doctor when a pregnant woman has a cold. But for patients with serious clinical symptoms of cold and flu, just taking this drug is not enough, because 999 cold and flu granules can only relieve the symptoms caused by cold and flu, but can not fundamentally treat the cold and flu, but also need to be combined with anti-infective drugs for treatment. If it is caused by viral infection, you can choose antiviral drugs such as oseltamivir, and if it is caused by bacterial infection, you can choose antibiotics such as amoxicillin.

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