What to do if your baby falls out of bed and his ears bleed

Bleeding from the ear after a baby falls out of bed may be related to rupture or perforation of the tympanic membrane, skull fracture and other factors, and need to go to the hospital in time to carry out relevant examinations, and if necessary, need to carry out surgical treatment.
If a baby falls out of bed and has bleeding from the ear, first of all, don’t shake the baby, need to calm the baby to stop crying as soon as possible, and go to the hospital as soon as possible, for brain CT and otoscopy and other aspects of the examination, which may be related to the external auditory canal mucous membrane injury, tympanic membrane rupture or perforation, craniocerebral fracture and other factors.
If it is the outer ear canal mucous membrane injury, you need to keep the outer ear canal as dry as possible; if it is the tympanic membrane rupture or perforation, skull fracture and so on, then you need to be treated according to the situation, and if necessary, you need to need further surgical treatment.
When a baby falls out of bed and his ears bleed, he needs to go to the hospital in time for treatment.

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