What are the symptoms of heart yin deficiency and fire?

Excessive heart yin deficiency and fire can be seen in palpitations, heartburn, insomnia and other symptoms.
Heart yin deficiency and fire is mostly due to too much thought and labor, which depletes the heart yin, or liver and kidney yin deficiency, which can’t help the heart and affects the heart yin, or warm and hot fire burns the heart yin, resulting in insufficient heart yin and internal deficiency fire.
Heart yin deficiency is a loss of moistening of the heart, resulting in arrhythmia of the heart, so palpitations can be seen; deficiency heat disturbing the heart, resulting in restlessness of the heart, so can be seen disturbed, insomnia and dreaming; yin deficiency can not be nourished, so can be seen dry pharynx and mouth, emaciation, and so on. Deficiency of yin in the heart and internalized deficiency heat can be seen in hot hands and feet, hot flashes and night sweats (sweating abnormally after going to sleep and stopping after waking up).
It is recommended that people with heart yin deficiency and excessive heat should consult a professional doctor in time.

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