Symptoms of Yin deficiency and blood deficiency in women

A woman with deficiency of yin and blood will have symptoms such as low menstrual flow, amenorrhea, emaciation, dry mouth and thirst, dry skin, hot flashes (bursts of body heat or worsening of heat), and so on. It can be treated with medicines such as Tianwangxin Pill, Nourishing Yin and Clearing Lung Pill, Erzhi Pill, Zuoqi Pill, etc. The medicines should be used under doctor’s supervision. Yin deficiency and blood deficiency refers to the deficiency of yin fluid in the organism, which further leads to the deficiency of blood qi in the organism. Most of the yin deficiency is caused by the depletion of yin fluid due to prolonged illness, over-serving of warm and dry drugs, and emotional factors. There are four common types: heart yin deficiency, lung yin deficiency, liver yin deficiency and kidney yin deficiency. Heart yin deficiency with Tianwang tonic pill nourishing yin, tonifying the heart and tranquilize the mind, spleen and stomach cold (spleen and stomach weakness and cold) people should not be used; lung yin deficiency with nourishing yin Qinglong Pill nourishing yin and clearing the lungs, drug allergies should not be used; liver yin deficiency with the two to the pill nourishing yin and tonifying the liver, patients with colds and flu should be used with caution; kidney yin deficiency with Zuo Gui Pill nourishing the kidneys to tonify the yin, spleen deficiency diarrhea (diarrhea caused by the spleen function is weak) people should not be used. If symptoms occur, you should go to the hospital in a timely manner, under the guidance of a professional doctor’s diagnosis and treatment, and not self-medication, so as not to delay the condition.

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