Some questions on the clinical use of rhubarb

A. Precautions on long-term application of rhubarb Long-term use of rhubarb should pay attention to the overall state of the patient. People who are physically fit, muscular, with strong appetite, easily bloated, or constipated, with dull red lips, skin prone to sores, high blood pressure, or high blood lipids, or high blood viscosity are more effective and safe to use rhubarb. I call it “rhubarb constitution”. It is mostly found in middle-aged and elderly people. Li Zongqiang, Department of Oncology, Jining City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, should pay attention to looking at the tongue when applying Dahuang. The typical tongue image of Dahuang is dry mouth and yellow tongue, i.e. dry mouth, red and old tongue, or even red thorns on the tongue, yellow tongue coating, or burnt yellow. I call this kind of tongue image “rhubarb tongue”. In the emergency use of rhubarb must look at the tongue, sometimes although the body is thin, but as long as the rhubarb tongue evidence in, and abdominal evidence, rhubarb used as usual. Second, about different origins of rhubarb different origins of rhubarb role. Mr. Jiao Donghai’s experience, Gansu Li County’s palm leaf rhubarb than other origins of rhubarb, not only good hemostatic effect, and side effects are very small. On the contrary, severe diarrhea often occurs. Mr. Yue Meizhong also believes that the rhubarb from Sichuan and Shaanxi is softer, while Hebei rhubarb has abdominal pain after use. Third, about the difference between raw and cooked rhubarb Raw and cooked rhubarb have different effects. The laxative effect of raw rhubarb is weaker, with less side effects such as nausea and vomiting, which is suitable for gastrointestinal bleeding and more suitable for the elderly, children and other weak people. The laxative effect of raw rhubarb is strong and can be used for acute abdominal diseases and infectious diseases in which the body is in good condition and the condition is more urgent. Fourth, the most ideal way to use rhubarb Swallowing rhubarb powder is better than soup, about swallowing 1 gram of raw rhubarb powder is equivalent to 3 grams of rhubarb soup. Mr. Wuxi Wang Pengmei introduced that the treatment of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, rhubarb powder is more effective than rhubarb soup. Five, the decoction method and role of rhubarb decoction method is different role: If you want to take the laxative effect of rhubarb, you can put rhubarb in boiling water and decoct for 5-10 minutes. Mr. Wang Pengmei had the clinical experience of decocting 24 grams of rhubarb without stool, and soaking 6 grams of rhubarb to get the stool. Six, the time of taking rhubarb and the role of different time of taking the role of different. If it is used for diarrhea, it should be taken on an empty stomach; if it is used to remove lumps, it can be taken between meals, and for daily health care, it can be taken after meals. Seven, about the use of rhubarb dose Zhang Zhongjing use rhubarb has 3 dose segments. Large amount (6 taels; more than 18 grams), attacking the lower; medium amount (3-4 taels; 10-12 grams), activating blood circulation and promoting menstruation; small amount (1-2 taels; 3-6 grams), removing lumpiness and reducing yellowing. According to Mr. Jiao Donghai’s experience, he has used up to 500, all without toxic side effects. Eight, the combination use of rhubarb rhubarb with thick park, hedgehog, main treatment of chest and abdominal fullness and pain and constipation; with peach kernel, cinnamon branch, to promote menstruation and blood circulation, treatment of menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea; with Huang Lian, scutellaria, treatment of subcardiac gangrene; with gardenia, cypress, treatment of yang yellow; rhubarb rhubarb with epilobium dry ginger, treatment of abdominal pain and mental depression, vicious cold and spontaneous sweating. Nine, about the side effects of rhubarb The side effects of rhubarb are mainly diarrhea and constipation. Large amounts of rhubarb may lead to dehydration or electrolyte disorders, especially in frail patients, the elderly and children, with necessary rehydration. Qing-Yao Yuanzhi’s “Zhu Ye Ting Miscellany” contains: Zhu Ge Xue Han Lin Su Zhi medical, daily boil rhubarb thick juice for soup. Take rhubarb 16 pounds, diarrhea can not. Friends for the elegy of the cloud: “rhubarb for the severe, nine springs should regret since the knowledge of the doctor.” The use of rhubarb during lactation may cause vomiting or diarrhea in breastfeeding children, so lactating patients should stop breastfeeding during the period of taking the medicine. Rhubarb contains tannin and may cause secondary constipation.

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