Can you take Zuo Gui Wan for Yin deficiency and internal heat?

Zuo Gui Wan can nourish the kidney yin, for people with yin deficiency and internal heat can take Zuo Gui Wan for treatment, but its yin nourishing effect is strong but the power of clearing the fire is a little worse, if the heat is more serious then the efficacy of the treatment is not good, you can choose Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan and other nourishing yin and reduce the fire of the medication for the treatment of the symptom.
Zuo Gui Pill is composed of Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Semen Cuscutae and other traditional Chinese medicines, its effect is to nourish the kidney yin, mainly suitable for the treatment of true yin insufficiency symptoms such as lumbar soreness and weakness of the knees, night sweating (sweating abnormally after going to sleep, but sweating stops after waking up), fatigue (mental exhaustion, physical fatigue), dry mouth and throat. Pregnant women should not take, children are prohibited. Take attention to avoid greasy food during the medication, and should not be taken by patients with colds.
Yin deficiency and internal heat is due to the deficiency of yin fluid, can not restrain the fire and lead to, so taking Zuo Gui Wan has some effect. However, Zuo Gui Wan has a strong effect of nourishing yin and a weak effect of clearing the fire, so if the patient’s fire is more severe, then simply taking Zuo Gui Wan is not effective, you can choose Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan and other nourishing yin to reduce the fire medication for treatment.
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan is composed of Chinese medicines such as Zhi Mu, Shu Di Huang, adverse reactions and contraindications are still unclear, note that pregnant women should be careful to take this drug; patients with cold deficiency, manifested as fear of cold, cold hands and feet, like hot drinks, etc. is not applicable to this drug; this drug should not be taken at the same time with cold and flu medicines.
All of the above drugs need to be used under the guidance of a doctor, and it is recommended that people with Yin deficiency and internal heat should consult a professional doctor in a timely manner.

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