Cholecystitis medicine before or after meals

Cholecystitis medication can be taken before and after meals, and needs to be judged according to your actual situation. For patients with cholecystitis, if accompanied by gastric disease, when taking medication is recommended to eat after meals, mostly because some drugs may cause stimulation of the gastric mucosa, and eaten after meals can reduce the gastric mucosal stimulation of the discomfort caused by the symptoms. In addition, for patients who do not have gastric diseases, you can also eat before meals, mostly because there is no food in the stomach before meals, the absorption of drugs in the stomach is more adequate. Therefore, whether cholecystitis medicine should be taken before or after meals needs to be judged comprehensively according to the patient’s condition after the doctor’s interview. During the use of drugs for treatment should pay more attention to diet, for spicy, greasy, stimulating food can not eat, so as not to affect the effect of drugs. During the use of medication, if symptoms of physical discomfort occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

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