Causes of yellowing and crusting when the leukorrhea dries

The yellowing and crusting of the leucorrhea after it dries is usually caused by the following reasons: First, it is a normal physiological reaction, the leucorrhea flows out from the vagina and excretes onto the panties, after the water in the leucorrhea evaporates it will crust and the yellowing phenomenon will gradually present itself, it is the most common reaction to the oxidation of the leucorrhea, if there is no abdominal pain, odor of the leucorrhea, etc., there is no need for treatment, you just need to change your panties regularly and pay attention to You only need to change your underwear and pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of the vagina. Secondly, patients with gynecological diseases, such as vulvar inflammation, vaginitis, cervical erosion, cervicitis, endometritis, etc., along with varying degrees of abdominal pain, abdominal cramps or leucorrhea abnormalities, are prone to yellowing and crusting of the leucorrhea, and it is recommended to go to the hospital for timely examination and treatment.

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