How to use spironolactone tablets

Spironolactone can be used in the treatment of edematous diseases, hypertension, etc., according to the different diseases of the dosage varies, need to be under the guidance of a physician to use the drug. 1. Spironolactone for the treatment of edematous diseases adults 40-120 mg per day, children 1-3 mg/kg per day according to body weight or 30-90 mg/m2 per day according to the body surface area, divided into 2-4 times, at least 5 consecutive days, and then adjust the dose as appropriate. For the treatment of hypertension, 40-80 mg daily in divided doses for at least 2 weeks. 2. Adverse reactions: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperkalemia and other adverse reactions may occur with spironolactone tablets. 3. Contraindications: Spironolactone tablets are contraindicated in patients with hyperkalemia. Breastfeeding and pregnant women need to use the drug under the guidance of physician. 4. Precautions: The patient’s blood potassium concentration should be known before the use of the drug, the administration of the drug should be individualized, starting from the smallest effective dose, in order to reduce the occurrence of electrolyte disorders and other side effects. The drug should be taken according to the doctor’s instructions, and should not be taken blindly by oneself, so as to avoid adverse effects.

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