How can I make my child’s spleen and stomach strong?

“The spleen and stomach are the foundation of the latter”, so only when the spleen and stomach are well-tuned and the physique is strengthened can the rest of the disease’s little tail be completely well. Clinically, we often encounter children with long-standing cough and asthma who have been treated for eight out of ten years, but often because of physical weakness and deficiency of qi and blood, the cough and asthma tend to recur and are not completely well. Many parents repeatedly ask, “How can I make my child’s body well completely? I listened and said that at this time it is necessary to regulate the constitution and regulate the spleen and stomach. 1, the spleen and stomach weakness, the disease cluster spleen deficiency can cause recurrent asthma attacks, height, weight and other slow growth, impatient temper, timid, do not like to talk and communicate with others, sleep restlessness, etc.. Clinically, we often encounter children with prolonged cough and asthma who have been treated for eight out of ten times, but often because of weakness and deficiency of qi and blood, the cough and asthma tend to recur and are not completely well. Many parents repeatedly ask, “How can I make my child’s body well completely? I listened and said, at this time it is necessary to regulate the body and the spleen and stomach. The spleen and stomach absorb well as the basis of strong “spleen and stomach is the basis of the day after tomorrow”, so only the spleen and stomach is well-tuned, the physique is strengthened, the rest of the disease of the small tail can be completely good. Because “the righteousness exists within, evil cannot dry up”. Only when the body is in good condition can the evil be dispelled and no longer feel the evil, then it will be good and complete. How to determine a child’s spleen deficiency 1. yellow hair and lack of luster. 2.Easy to work and hunch over easily, etc. 3.Eating accumulation easily. Do not like to eat, often eat a little and full, but also some children show very good eating. 4.Lack of energy, easy to be timid. Easily dizzy and dull, not clear-headed. 5.Tongue coating is white and slightly thick and greasy. 6.Speech in a low and weak voice, voice not loud enough. If there is a cough, the cough is weak. 7.Constipation, sticky stool, sticky toilet, not easy to flush clean. 8.Somewhat introverted and not talkative. 9, spleen deficiency over time, easy muscle flabbiness, weakness, short, slow growth, thin body and other symptoms. Children with spleen deficiency often cry out of tiredness I have observed that children with spleen deficiency are very easily tired and cry out of tiredness at every turn. Children are always carried, tired, often lie in bed, do not want to move, do not like to move, and tend to hunch over when walking and standing. I often see some children, when they come to the hospital, simply can not sit straight, so bent over, lying on top. You ask him to sit properly, but he never sits properly, often lying on the bed to play, and sometimes often shouting himself tired; if it is a small child, he will always want you to hold him, which is a manifestation of spleen deficiency. If you don’t treat it at this time, you will easily get sick in the future. Because the spleen and stomach are weak, the body’s resistance is poor, it is easy to get cold again; after getting cold again, it will become sick again. 2, don’t foolishly think that can eat is good spleen and stomach, don’t foolishly think that eat more nutrients will be strong I often encounter children with weak spleen and stomach really can eat. I will tell the parents that the child has a weak spleen and stomach. But when I say that the spleen and stomach is weak, parents are very confused: why is the spleen and stomach weak and still so able to eat? Oh, this question is also easy to understand. To use an analogy, if a car part is broken, not only is the car slow and underpowered, but it also consumes more fuel. Therefore, because the spleen and stomach is weak, the utilization rate of the diet is reduced, but also to achieve the normal needs of the body, so eat a lot. Strong can not be separated from eating more nutrients, but the body is strong is not in how much more (including trace elements, nutrients, etc.) nutrients, but in a strong spleen and stomach, good digestion and absorption. Therefore, the root of a child’s health is a strong spleen and stomach and good absorption ability. If the spleen and stomach are weak and do not absorb, even if they eat more things, they will not be absorbed, and eating more will add to the burden of the spleen and stomach and hurt it, leading to a vicious circle. There are always many parents who foolishly believe that children are weak, so they should give their children more nutritional products, what blood, iron, bone products and so on. But the reality is very skeletal, after eating, the child’s body did not become strong as imagined. For example, I once met a child whose parents always gave the child calcium supplements, but every time the child was examined, the child was always deficient in calcium. What is the reason? The reason is that the spleen and stomach are weak and the absorption capacity is not enough. Instead, because of eating more, the spleen and stomach are more damaged, resulting in less absorption and more deficiency of qi and blood. 3, the spleen and stomach weakness how to do? These two things, but also you strong spleen and stomach! The Chinese medicine has “spleen and stomach deficiency, all diseases, all diseases from the spleen and stomach on the treatment” said. From the elderly, the spleen and stomach weakness, bloating and constipation; down to infants and children accumulation of food, loss of appetite, stools do not pass; more three high patients (hypertension, high blood pressure, high blood fat, high blood sugar), fat, sweet and thick taste, food stagnation in the focus, nausea and vomiting, the epigastric fullness, bad breath and dry, sleep disturbance and fever in the heart of the hands and feet and other symptoms. All of them can be used to eliminate food and promote internal organs, strengthen the spleen and benefit Qi. The best formula to help digestion and eliminate food stagnation is hawthorn and yam pills, and the best diet for spleen and qi is hawthorn six-item paste. Hawthorn is recorded in the “Compendium of Materia Medica” as follows: “Where the spleen is weak, food does not dissolve, the chest and abdomen are distended, eat two or three pieces of hawthorn after meals, excellent.” It is also recorded in the “Medical Science and Medicine”: “If it is supplemented with sweet medicine, it can dissolve blood stasis without hurting new blood, and open up depressed qi without hurting right qi, and its nature is especially peaceful.” Hawthorn, which is good for both medicine and food, has always been loved by people. It is sour and sweet in nature, slightly warm, and belongs to the stomach and liver meridians, and can promote digestion, activate blood circulation, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and soften blood vessels when eaten in moderation. In addition, hawthorn has the miraculous effects of calming asthma and resolving phlegm, inhibiting bacteria and treating abdominal pain and diarrhea. Yam is the medicine of the mountain and the medicine of the food. Not only can it be made into health food, but also has the medicinal value of regulating diseases. The Compendium of Materia Medica points out that: yam treats all kinds of deficiency, heals five strains and seven injuries, removes head and face wind, stops lumbago, removes annoyance and heat, replenishes the deficiency of heart energy, opens up the heart hole, remembers more, benefits kidney energy, strengthens the spleen and stomach, stops diarrhea and dysentery, moistens the hairy skin, pounds raw and pastes swelling, and cures hard poison. Hawthorn and Yam Pills, with its good effect of strengthening the spleen and appetite, is a good adjunct to the treatment of indigestion and anorexia in the elderly and children. The recipe of Hawthorn Six Objects Paste is also very awesome, with elimination and tonic. The six ingredients are: hawthorn, Chinese yam, poria, wheat sprout, jujube, and chicken neijin. Hawthorn and malt are the main eliminators and also invigorate the blood, Huaiyanyao Poria strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness, replenishes qi and nourishes the blood, and I like the Chicken Neijin the most. Hawthorn six things cream is suitable for these people to eat: 1, indigestion: no appetite, bloating, eat meat is not digested, no feeling after eating, no hunger, no sense of satiety, body fat, body thin, do not think about eating, stool is very smelly, bad breath. 2.Cold blood clotting in the uterus: menstruation with blood clots, dull color, dysmenorrhea, dull complexion.

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