What is a dural arteriovenous fistula?

  Dural arteriovenous fistula, in short, is a short circuit between the arteries and veins in the dura mater, where arterial blood enters the veins directly without going through the capillaries.  Its hazards: 1. Increased pressure in the venous system can cause swelling and congestion in the eyes; murmurs are heard in the ears.  2. The venous pressure in the brain increases, and even the backflow of venous blood occurs, causing headache; mental decline; cramps; and cerebral hemorrhage in severe cases.  Treatment relies mainly on interventional therapy, in which embolic material is delivered near the lesion through a vein or artery to occlude the lesion. Due to the theoretical understanding of dural arteriovenous fistulas and the use of new materials, this disease has now accumulated a wealth of experience in China, and we have been able to cure most of these lesions.

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