Analysis of the causes of failure of arteriovenous endovascular fistula for hemodialysis and countermeasures

  [Abstract] Objective To investigate the causes and countermeasures of arteriovenous endovascular fistula failure in patients with renal failure. Methods
From October 1992 to December 2008, arteriovenous endovascular fistulas were successfully established in 1126 patients with chronic renal failure. 52 of them (37 cases of forearm endovascular fistula, 9 cases of elbow endovascular fistula, and 6 cases of artificial vascular endovascular fistula) were operated again to investigate the causes of failure and reanastomosis of the vessels. Results
All 52 patients had good results after reoperation, and the blood flow was greater than 200 ml/min after 3 weeks, and they were able to perform hemodialysis successfully. Conclusion
With adequate preoperative preparation, skilled microsurgical techniques, and proper postoperative management, satisfactory dialysis access can be obtained with the use of autologous or artificial vessels.  【Key words】 Arteriovenous endovascular fistula; hemodialysis; reoperation; vascular anastomosis

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