What symptoms do fistulas cause?

  Patients with urethral strictures usually have a cystostomy tube before surgery. The cystostomy tube is carried for a long period of time and needs to be changed regularly and opened intermittently for regular urination. There are no symptoms or discomfort associated with this time because the patient has no voluntary urination.  After surgery, the urethra is repaired and the corresponding type of urinary catheter is placed, and there are two urinary catheters in the bladder with water sacs at the head of the urinary catheter, which can cause symptoms that we call “urinary catheter irritation”. It is paroxysmal and worsens after activity. After drinking more water, the color of urine becomes lighter and clearer. Most of the time, this is caused by irritation of the bladder mucosa by the urinary catheter, which causes bleeding. This is a normal phenomenon and there is no need to worry. After this happens, drink more water and reduce strenuous activities, and you will be fine.  Second, the lower abdomen is suffocated The urinary catheter and fistula irritate the bladder triangle, causing the lower abdomen bladder area to be suffocated and uncomfortable, and there is an urge to urinate and the urethra is suffocated and uncomfortable. In this case, the ureter is open but the patient still has the urge to urinate and urine is discharged from around the ureter.  This condition is typically caused by bladder spasm and is mostly due to irritation of the urethra. In this case, the bladder spasm will gradually ease over time and can be temporarily observed without treatment. If the bladder spasm is severe, you can take oral Weixicam for symptomatic treatment. In addition, when the urinary catheter is removed, this condition will disappear naturally.  Cloudy urine When the urinary catheter and fistula are left in place, some patients have cloudy urine, which is caused by the irritation of the urinary catheter, increased bladder secretions, and the shedding of bladder mucosal tissue, which can also cause cloudy urine. You should keep the urinary catheter open, drink plenty of water, and maintain adequate urine output. Bladder irrigation should be performed if necessary.

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