What’s the difference between shingles and AIDS

The difference between herpes zoster and AIDS is mainly manifested in the cause of disease, symptoms and prognosis.
1. Causes: Herpes zoster is caused by varicella zoster virus infection, AIDS is a chronic systemic infectious disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus infection.
2. Symptoms: Herpes zoster is mainly characterized by unilateral erythema and clustered blisters distributed in strips on the torso, often accompanied by pain, and it can develop in any part of the body; in addition to the symptoms of herpes zoster, AIDS may also have fever, loss of appetite, enlarged lymph nodes, persistent diarrhea, etc., and all systems can be involved.
3. Prognosis: Herpes zoster can usually be cured after active treatment; while there is currently no cure for HIV infection.
When there are related symptoms but can not determine which kind of disease, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time to improve the relevant examination to clarify the diagnosis, so as to avoid delaying the condition.

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