What are the causes of subthalamic damage?

The hypothalamus is also known as the hypothalamus. It is located on the ventral surface of the brain, below the thalamus, and is the higher nerve center that regulates visceral and endocrine activities. The hypothalamus is usually divided anteriorly and posteriorly into three regions: the supraoptic area is located above the optic chiasm and is composed of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei; the nodal area is located posterior to the funiculus; and the papillary area is located in the papillary body. The hypothalamus is located below the hypothalamic hook and forms the inferior wall of the third ventricle, with poorly defined boundaries, and extends downward to connect with the pituitary stalk. Although small, the hypothalamus receives many nerve impulses and is therefore the center of the endocrine and nervous systems. They regulate anterior pituitary function, synthesize pituitary hormones and control autonomic and vegetative functions. Hypothalamic damage: A series of symptoms caused by hypothalamic damage due to various causes, mainly endocrine metabolic disorders with dysfunctional syndromes of the vegetative nervous system, including sleep, body temperature, feeding, sexual dysfunction, uremia, and mental abnormalities. What are the causes of subthalamic damage? 1, infectious diseases such as viral encephalitis, epidemic encephalitis, tuberculous septic meningitis, smallpox, measles and other vaccination-induced encephalitis. 2, tumors suspicion of pheochromocytoma, acidophilic or basophilic cell tumors, plasma cell tumors, etc. 3.Sarcomatous damage Reticuloendothelial cell hyperplasia, nodular disease, tuberculoma, etc. 4.Congenital or genetic factors Such as kallmann syndrome, can appear reproductive dysplasia, juvenile penis, testicular dysplasia. 5, degenerative lesions tuberous sclerosis, cerebral sclerosis, neurogliosis, etc. 6.Vascular damage Cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebral aneurysm, systemic lupus erythematosus. 7.Physical factors Traumatic brain injury, surgical removal of pituitary stalk, radiation necrosis due to radiotherapy. 8, cerebral metabolic disease CO2 anesthesia, acute interstitial episodes of hematoporphyria. 9.Drug effects Chlorpromazine, reserpine, etc. 10.Functional disorders Impotence caused by environmental changes, mental trauma. The hypothalamus is deeply hidden above the pterygoid saddle at the base of the skull, so the direction of violence directly or indirectly passing through the hypothalamus may lead to local injury. In addition, this area can be involved in subcranial herniation of the cerebellar curtain. Usually, if a fracture of the skull base crosses the pterygoid saddle or its vicinity, it often results in injury to the subthalamic area. Injury to the subthalamic region can also occur when the base of the brain slides violently back and forth along the longitudinal axis as a result of severe impact injury or hedgehog brain injury, and often involves the pituitary stalk and pituitary gland, with focal hemorrhage, edema, ischemia, softening, and neuronal necrosis as the pathology of injury.

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