What are the symptoms of a flea bite?

A flea bite usually results in a red, itchy or slightly painful lump at the site of the bite. The main reason for these occurrences is that after the bite, the flea also injects toxic substances containing acid into the body, which has an anticoagulant effect. After being bitten, if the local reaction is mild, it can also be left untreated. After the injury, you should choose soapy water to clean the wound briefly, and if the symptoms are mild, no further treatment can be given. If the bite site is more and the systemic or local reaction is more severe, anti-allergic treatment can also be given at the hospital, which can reduce the systemic allergic reaction. For restoration of effective blood volume, fluids can be supplemented, including crystalloids and colloids, i.e. sugar water, saline or colloids containing higher osmotic pressure. Supplementation of fluids reduces toxin absorption by expanding blood circulation and can also play a more rapid role in promoting toxic metabolism. Therefore, after being bitten by fleas, different treatments should be chosen according to the local reaction and the systemic state.

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