What to do if you have a cold and cough at 19 weeks pregnant

Cold and cough in 19 weeks of pregnancy depends on the severity of the condition and choose to deal with it accordingly. Symptoms of light can drink more water, pay attention to keep warm, more can be relieved, the symptoms of important medical treatment. If a pregnant woman with a cold and cough symptoms are relatively mild, and did not appear fever, shortness of breath, chest tightness and other symptoms, considered for the common cold, this time should be general treatment. Such as drinking plenty of warm water, pay attention to warmth, indoor ventilation, eat a light diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, generally about a week cold will be able to get better. If the pregnant woman’s condition is more serious, intolerable cough, and accompanied by fever, chest tightness, headache and other symptoms, we must promptly seek medical attention, under the guidance of the doctor to take medication for symptomatic treatment, not during pregnancy, so as not to take their own medication, so as not to have a serious impact on the pregnant woman and the fetus in the belly.

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