What is the cause of a little hidden pain in the stomach at 8 weeks pregnant?

8 weeks pregnant stomach a little hidden pain may be related to the uterus enlargement, gastrointestinal discomfort, miscarriage with precursor, ectopic pregnancy and other reasons. 1. uterine enlargement: 8 weeks pregnant due to the increasing size of the uterus, pressing the peripheral nerves in the abdominal cavity, supporting the uterus of the uterine round ligament stretching, longer, increased tension, the uterine wall is pulled by the vague pain in the stomach after the symptom. 2. gastrointestinal discomfort: 8 weeks pregnant overeating, abdominal cold, gastrointestinal tract inflammation stimulation, these may cause vague pain in the stomach. 3. Pre-eclampsia: 8 weeks pregnant with a gestational sac in the uterus in the bed is not stable or the body’s progesterone value is low, may cause pre-eclampsia, will also have a vague pain in the stomach symptoms. 4. Ectopic pregnancy: after pregnancy, the gestational sac does not normally bed in the uterine cavity, bed in the fallopian tube, abdominal cavity and other locations, the embryo enlargement process on the pregnancy site caused by the stimulation, there may be vague pain in the stomach symptoms. There are more reasons for vague pain in the stomach, and it is recommended to consult a doctor in time if it is serious.

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