The role of insulin injections

Insulin Injection works by lowering blood sugar. The indications are type 1 diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes mellitus, etc. Adverse reactions include allergy, hypoglycemia, etc. It is contraindicated in hypoglycemic episodes or in allergic individuals. 1.The effects of insulin include the following aspects. (1) Inhibit the decomposition of hepatic glycogen, fat and protein, and inhibit gluconeogenesis. (2) Promote hepatic uptake of glucose and synthesis of hepatic glycogen. (3) Promote the uptake of glucose by tissues and the synthesis of proteins and fats. (4) Promote the utilization of ketone bodies and inhibit the production of ketone bodies. 2. Its indications include the following conditions. (1) Type 1 diabetes. (2) Gestational diabetes. (3) Type 2 diabetes combined with major surgery, trauma, and severe infection. (4) Non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma, diabetic ketoacidosis patients. 3. Adverse reactions are as follows. (1) Allergic reactions: urticaria, angioneurotic edema, itching and redness at the injection site. (2) Hypoglycemic reaction: tachycardia, weakness, sweating, and in severe cases, ataxia, impaired consciousness or even coma. (3) Insulin resistance. (4) Fat hyperplasia or atrophy at the injection site. (5) Ocular refractive disorders. 4. Contraindications: during hypoglycemic episodes or patients who are allergic to insulin. Patients should not self-administer the drug, and should standardize the use of the drug under the guidance of the doctor.

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