What is the best medicine for white phlegm

It is best not to generalize what medicine to treat white phlegm, you can use antibiotics, Sanjiao tablets, Niuhuang snake gall bladder and Chuanbei liquid, Er Chen pill, etc., depending on the cause of the disease. White phlegm may be caused by different etiologies, from a western medical point of view, it may be caused by viral, bacterial, mycoplasma, chlamydia and other atypical pathogenic infections. In the case of viral infections, antiviral treatment or Chinese herbal medicine is required. If it is caused by bacterial infection, antibiotics are usually used for anti-infection treatment, commonly used are cephalosporins such as cefuroxime and cefadroxil, macrolides such as azithromycin and erythromycin, or penicillins such as amoxicillin and amoxicillin clavulanic acid. In the case of adults older than 18 years, anti-infective treatment with quinolone antibiotics, such as moxifloxacin, is also available. If the infection is caused by atypical pathogens such as mycoplasma and chlamydia, antibiotics of the quinolone class, or macrolides, are usually used for anti-infection treatment. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, white sputum belongs to different types of evidence, for example, you can see wind-cold offending the lung, coughing, coughing white thin sputum or sputum with foam, you can treat it with Sanjiao tablets and cough suppressant plus reduction. If the cough is characterized by white sticky sputum that cannot be easily coughed out and is accompanied by yellow urine, dry stools, red tongue and yellow fur, it is a cough caused by phlegm-heat congestion of the lung, and can be treated with Ox-Huang Serpentine and Chuan-Bei Liquid and so on to clear the lung and resolve the phlegm. White phlegm is caused by phlegm and can be seen as coughing, white mucous phlegm, and more phlegm, accompanied by chest tightness, loss of appetite, and loose stools.

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