Can you die of sudden death if you stay up all night running?

Running without sleep overnight is usually not sudden death, depending on the patient’s physical condition and the frequency of running and other factors.
If the patient is only occasional overnight running without sleep and physical fitness is good, the body can bear the strenuous exercise, generally will not appear sudden death. If the patient has been running all night for a long period of time and is in poor physical condition, and also suffers from some basic diseases, the body may not be able to bear the high load of exercise and sudden death may occur.
In doing physical exercise at the same time should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, at the same time should maintain a good life and work schedule, exercise before you can eat some nutritious food, to ensure that the body to do the energy needed for strenuous exercise, to avoid excessive fatigue in the case of strenuous exercise.
If you feel uncomfortable, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination in a timely manner, and pay attention to the physical condition.

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