What to do about Candida dermatitis

Candida dermatitis, that is, candidiasis, is an infection caused by Candida spp. pathogenic bacteria, and can be treated with general treatment, topical medication, and systemic medication.
1. General treatment: pay attention to hygiene, oral candidiasis patients can gargle with warm water every day; genital area infected with candida patients, can use warm water to wash every day, and temporarily avoid sexual intercourse.
2. Topical drug therapy: oral candidiasis patients, can use mycotoxin solution or 1%~3% clotrimazole solution gargle; candida glans patients, can be applied locally clotrimazole cream, miconazole cream treatment; vaginal candidiasis patients, according to the condition of the selection of mycotoxin, clotrimazole or miconazole suppositories.
3. Systemic medication: If the candida infection is more serious, such as the existence of large and deep skin candidiasis, recurrent genital candidiasis, etc., it is also necessary to take oral antifungal drugs, such as itraconazole, fluconazole and so on.
Candidiasis patients are advised to go to the hospital in time for treatment under the guidance of a specialist. Drugs need to be used in accordance with the doctor’s instructions, do not blindly use their own medication.

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