What’s wrong with the painful pressure on the edge of the underarm breast?

Painful pressure on the edges of the breast is associated with mastopexy, parametrial gland, and breast tumor. Pain does not occur when the edges of the normal breast are pressed, but will be felt when pressed for local swelling. The female breast is a target organ for hormone secretion by the ovaries. Some women have local hyperplasia due to the sensitivity of the breast glands and the increase in estrogen and progesterone before menstruation. The sensitivity of the breast glands varies due to physical factors, and in some women, the premenstrual lump site is severely enlarged, sometimes accumulating to the entire breast and causing pain at the edge of the breast. Parammary glands in humans are caused by congenital developmental abnormalities and tend to occur unilaterally and bilaterally in the axillary area. In some women, hormonal changes in the body before menstruation cause the parametrium to gradually increase in size and accumulate to the edge of the breast, causing pain. In addition, tumors may appear in the breast area due to genetics, endocrine disorders, and long-term adverse stimulation of the breast. If the tumor grows rapidly within a short period of time, it causes pain in the whole breast and pain in the armpit when it metastasizes to the lymph nodes.

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