What is anorectal neurosis?

Anorectal neurosis is a functional disease due to autonomic nerve dysfunction, causing anorectal nervous system dysregulation. 1. Etiology, most of them are secondary to high mental tension, excessive pressure, irregular life, and are more common in middle-aged women. 2. Clinical manifestations, the main manifestations of anal pain, anxiety (discomfort in the lower abdomen, want to defecate, defecation after a sense of incomplete), anal skin and mucous membrane burning, frequent bowel movements, sometimes diarrhea, constipation alternately. 3. Examination, through the rectal fingerprinting, colonoscopy, stool routine and other related examinations, no organic lesions were found. 4. Treatment, pay attention to relieve the patient’s stress, avoid overwork, do not stay up late, and develop a regular routine. Adjust the diet structure, try not to eat spicy and stimulating food, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and keep the bowel movement smooth. Serious cases can seek help from a psychiatrist. Considering the anorectal neurosis, timely to the relevant departments of regular hospitals, diagnosis and then targeted treatment.

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