Upper gastrointestinal bleeding heals in a few days

Upper gastrointestinal bleeding has a different healing time depending on the amount of bleeding, treatment measures, primary disease, etc. and cannot be generalized.
The causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding are many, common foreign body scratches, cirrhosis esophagogastric fundus varices, acute gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastric cancer and so on.
1. Bleeding volume: If the bleeding volume is less than 500ml, after the treatment of omeprazole to inhibit acidity, aluminum thioglycollate to protect stomach, tranexamic acid to stop bleeding, fluid rehydration and so on, the healing time may be faster. If the bleeding volume is large, the healing time will be longer.
2. Therapeutic measures: If the above treatments are not effective, blood transfusion, interventional therapy, surgery and other treatments are also needed. The healing time may take longer.
3. Primary disease: If the bleeding is caused by a foreign body, the healing time is usually faster. For example, the healing time of esophagogastric varices due to liver cirrhosis will be longer, which is related to the decrease of coagulation factors due to liver cirrhosis.
As for how long it takes for upper gastrointestinal bleeding to heal, it is recommended that the patient actively cooperate with the doctor’s treatment and strive for an early recovery.

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