What is hand hypertrophy?

Hand hypertrophy, consider the possible diseases are trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative osteoarthropathy, acromegaly, etc.. 1. Trauma: due to the handling of heavy objects or external impact and other factors, may lead to patients with finger joints injury, thus causing finger joints swollen, hand hypertrophy phenomenon. 2. Rheumatoid arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is due to synovial inflammation and then expand to the connective tissues such as tendons, from the synovial membrane to erode the articular cartilage and bone tissues, resulting in joint damage. Initially, the disease usually starts at the proximal interphalangeal joints of the fingers, metacarpophalangeal joints, wrists and other small joints, and the patient’s finger joints may be swollen, painful and other symptoms. 3. Degenerative osteoarthropathy: Degenerative osteoarthropathy is a group of non-inflammatory lesions, mainly characterized by degenerative changes in the articular cartilage, joint surfaces and the formation of new bone at the edge of the joints, when involved in the interphalangeal joints can be manifested as joint enlargement, pain, friction sensation during activities, and the phenomenon of hand hypertrophy. 4. acromegaly: acromegaly, the vast majority of which is caused by pituitary adenoma secretion of growth hormone, causing the whole body soft tissue and bone hyperplasia and hypertrophy, manifested as acromegaly, coarse face, bone and joint hyperplasia and hypertrophy, hand hypertrophy phenomenon. Hand hypertrophy may also be caused by other reasons, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time, improve the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, under the guidance of the doctor to give targeted treatment or treatment.

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