What medication can you take to normalize cerebral hypoxia?

Cerebral hypoxia, usually caused by insufficient cerebral blood supply, commonly used drugs include anti-atherosclerotic drugs, vasodilator drugs, and drugs that activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis.
1. Anti-atherosclerotic drugs: anti-platelet aggregation drugs such as aspirin and hydroclopidogrel, and plaque-stabilizing drugs such as atorvastatin and resuvastatin can help prevent atherosclerosis and improve the symptoms of cerebral ischemia and hypoxia.
2. Vasodilator drugs: such as Nicergoline, Flunarizine, Nimodipine and Prostaglandin, etc., which help to dilate the large arteries and small arteries, and help to improve the blood circulation in the brain.
3. Drugs to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis: such as Cerebroxin Tong and Ginkgo Biloba Tablets, etc., which help to promote blood circulation in the brain and improve the symptoms of insufficient blood supply to the brain.
Brain diseases are often more complex, it is recommended that patients need to go to a regular hospital to receive a systematic examination, to clarify the cause of the disease, and then take medication under the guidance of a specialist.

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