Is there a link between Meniere’s syndrome and kidney weakness?

Meniere’s syndrome can be categorized as “vertigo” in Chinese medicine. Meniere’s syndrome may be related to kidney deficiency. If the body is weak and sick, damage to the kidney qi, or elderly kidney essence deficiency, can not produce marrow, not to nourish the brain, or overwork, yin and essence loss, so that the loss of kidney essence, the marrow is not enough, the brain orifices lose nourishment and the onset of the disease. The main causes of vertigo are external evils, emotions, diet, physical fitness, age, work and rest, and trauma. Or by the physical and mental hyperactivity, or by emotional depression, or by the earth’s qi upward, or by the winter storage is not dense, or by the senior years of the kidney fluid has been weakened, the water does not contain wood, resulting in fainting and tinnitus, shock and dizziness. There are two ends of the pathology, and the majority of them are weak, such as Yin deficiency is easy to move the liver wind, blood deficiency is the brain loss of nourishment, and essence deficiency is the insufficiency of the medulla oblongata, which can all lead to vertigo. If you feel unwell, it is recommended that you actively seek medical advice and standardize your treatment under the guidance of a Chinese medicine practitioner, so as to avoid delaying your condition.

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