What are the signs of mild dry syndrome

Mild dry syndrome is usually characterized by dry eyes, dry mouth, swollen parotid glands, and dental caries, but also by symptoms such as skin rashes, joint pain, or Raynaud’s phenomenon. The cause of the disease is still unclear and may be related to infection, genetics, immunity and other factors. Patients are advised to drink more water, pay attention to oral hygiene, avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs that cause dry mouth. Dry syndrome is an autoimmune disease that mainly involves exocrine glands of patients, the main symptoms are dry mouth, dry eyes, parotid gland swelling and pain, dental caries, etc. Patients may have smooth tongue, wake up at night to drink water, etc., and some patients may have skin rashes, joint pain, or Raynaud’s phenomenon, etc. The cause of the disease is still not clear, and may be related to infections, heredity, immunity and other factors. For dry eyes and dry mouth symptoms of patients with dry syndrome, it is recommended that patients drink more water, avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, avoid taking medicines that may cause dry mouth, rinse their mouths diligently, pay attention to oral hygiene, and try to prevent secondary oral infections and dental caries. It is recommended that patients with dry syndrome go to the hospital in time and follow the doctor’s instructions to avoid delaying their condition.

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