Pediatric emergency rash symptoms

The characteristics of the rash are as follows: 1. The fever occurs suddenly without antecedent symptoms and the temperature is above 39℃-40℃; 2. Patients with high fever can even show convulsions; 3. The fever suddenly decreases after 3-5 days, and the body temperature drops to normal within 24 hours, and the rash appears at the same time or later when the fever subsides. The rash is a red macular rash, scattered, ranging from 2-5 mm in diameter, discolored by pressure, and rarely fused. The rash usually occurs first on the face, neck and trunk, and then gradually spreads to the proximal extremities, lasting 1-2 days before the rash subsides, leaving no trace, no flakes and no pigmentation. The rash does not require any special treatment and can subside on its own.

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