How to correct a chicken breast

Chicken breast is also known as anterior sternal protrusion deformity, which needs to be corrected through causative treatment, general treatment and surgical treatment according to the specific symptoms and severity of the patient.
1. Causal treatment: some children with chicken breast is caused by vitamin D deficiency rickets, which can be improved by vitamin D supplementation under the guidance of specialized doctors.
2. General treatment: for children with mild deformity, it can be corrected by swimming and other physical exercise; for children with moderate to severe deformity, it can be corrected by using thoracic power compression device and rehabilitation training; at the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to strengthen the nutritional intake of the children, and it can be appropriate to increase the intake of calcium and so on, so as to prevent vitamin D deficiency.
3. Surgical treatment: For patients who are not effective in conservative treatment and the chicken chest is more serious, surgery can be considered for treatment. Surgery includes traditional sternum turning method, sternum sinking method and minimally invasive surgery, which can be reasonably selected according to the patient’s condition.

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