Can secondary infertility be cured?

Secondary infertility has a chance of cure, secondary infertility is once had a pregnancy, preparation for more than a year did not succeed in pregnancy. Causes are mostly caused by gynecological inflammation, endocrine disorders, reproductive organs tuberculosis and so on.
1. Gynecological inflammation: due to sexual life not pay attention to hygiene, multiple abortions, induced abortion surgery, etc., may cause gynecological inflammation, resulting in fallopian tube blockage, endometrial adhesion, endometrial inflammation, etc., the formation of secondary infertility, the use of sensitive antibiotic treatment, the chances of curing.
2. Endocrine disorders: due to endocrine disorders, resulting in follicles can not mature, causing secondary infertility, this situation needs to do the hormone six tests, the use of estrogen, progesterone, ovulation stimulating drugs to regulate the treatment, such as estradiol valerate, dydrogesterone, clomiphene and so on, there is a chance of cure.
3. Tuberculosis of the reproductive organs: there has been a pregnancy, but due to tuberculosis of the reproductive organs leading to infertility, this case of active treatment of tuberculosis, commonly used drugs such as isoniazid, rifampicin, etc., there is a chance of cure.
Secondary infertility should be given targeted treatment or standardized treatment by the doctor after complete examination to clarify the cause of the disease and assess the cure rate. The use of the above drugs should be in accordance with medical advice.

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