Will taking Ginseng Strengthening the Spleen Pill cause stomach fire?

Ginseng Strengthening the Spleen Pill can treat diseases caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach, and those who have stomach distension and other discomforts need to take the medicine under the guidance of a professional Chinese medicine practitioner, and generally will not have stomach fire.
Ginseng Pills for Strengthening the Spleen is a proprietary Chinese medicine with the effects of strengthening the spleen and vital energy, harmonizing the stomach and stopping diarrhea, which is mainly composed of 11 traditional Chinese medicines such as ginseng, poria, tangerine peel, magnolia, Angelica sinensis, and farnesia.
It is clinically used for treating indigestion of food and drink, gastric congestion and discomfort, noisy stomach (feeling of hunger, emptiness and burning in the stomach), nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, loose stools, lack of desire for food and drink, drowsiness and fatigue of limbs, etc., which are caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach.
Colds, fever and allergy to the medicinal composition of Ginseng Enhancing Spleen Pill are prohibited. Allergic persons should be cautious when taking Ginseng Healthy Spleen Pill. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and people with high blood pressure, liver disease and other chronic diseases should take Ginseng Healthy Spleen Pill according to medical advice.
Avoid indigestible food while taking Ginseng Strengthening the Spleen Pill. There is no known adverse drug reaction after taking Ginseng Strengthening the Spleen Pill.
People with weak spleen and stomach who take Ginseng Strengthening the Spleen Pill need to follow the doctor’s advice, and usually will not have stomach fire. If there is no relief after taking the medicine as prescribed by the doctor, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time to avoid delaying the condition.

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