What’s wrong with your baby’s red, swollen ears?

Baby ear contour redness and swelling, can be considered may be caused by auricular trauma, mosquito bites or eczema and so on. 1. Auricular trauma: in the child’s auricle by frostbite, can be seen in the auricle gradually become red, even swelling, itching and broken performance; ears by blunt objects after the impact, the light can be skin abrasions or localized redness and swelling performance. 2. Mosquito bites: when the outer ear is bitten by mosquitoes, the local itching, scratching and local inflammatory reaction, can cause local skin redness and swelling. 3. Auricular eczema: its occurrence can be related to mental factors, contact with allergic substances stimulation or woolen fabrics, hot and humid stimulation and other factors, when acute eczema, localized itching and burning sensation, the skin can be seen as erythema or pimples, which can be further developed into blisters, rupture and crusting. When the baby’s ear is red and swollen or localized skin lesions, it is recommended to consult a doctor and treat the cause and symptoms.

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