What to do about tinnitus buzzing

There are many reasons for tinnitus buzzing, tinnitus caused by physiological factors such as excessive fatigue to rest, but for otitis media and other diseases caused by the need for treatment for the cause.
1. excessive fatigue, emotional stress, lack of sleep and other conditions can lead to the occurrence of tinnitus, generally after appropriate rest can be relieved, for emotional stress and anxiety of the population can also take some sedative drugs, such as diazepam, ipecac hydrochloride tablets and so on.
2. for purulent otitis media caused by tinnitus can be applied to cefuroxime, erythromycin and other antibiotics, if there is pus, should be cleaned up purulent secretions, and local drops of antibiotic ear drops, for the pus crowd can also use hydrogen peroxide to wash the ear and then local drops of antibiotics, and usually should also eat a light diet.
In addition, high blood pressure, Meniere’s disease, vegetative nerve dysfunction can also cause tinnitus, should also be treated for the cause.
When the symptoms of tinnitus appear, you should go to a regular hospital to get a clear cause and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment.

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