Can bradycardia be cured with surgery?

Asymptomatic sinus bradycardia usually requires no treatment. If symptoms of insufficient cardiac output occur due to a slow heart rate, it can be cured by pacemaker implantation surgery. Prior to surgery, medication can also be used to relieve symptoms. 1. Medication: If there is an acute attack of bradycardia, in addition to treating the primary cause of the disease, it is also necessary to stop taking medications that may cause the heart rate to slow down. In addition, atropine and isoproterenol can be used to increase the heart rate, which can help relieve the condition. Do not self-medicate, but follow your doctor’s instructions. 2. Implantation of pacemaker: If the patient’s heart rate is slow, less than 40 beats per minute or even slower, and there is no obvious effect of medication, then the patient can be considered to receive pacemaker implantation surgery, especially in patients with recurrent syncope. In case of persistent bradycardia, it is recommended to go to the hospital as soon as possible to improve the examination, and if necessary, choose the appropriate treatment under the guidance of a specialist.

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